
Welcome to BRAVE Men's Ministries

To restore the identity and role of men according to God’s purpose for their revival and the revival of their families, churches, and communities.

Equipping men to conquer the challenges they face

Cultivating meaningful and fruitful relationships

Promoting an environment of discipleship

Our Blog

How Theophany Shapes Our Identity and Purpose

The Feast of Theophany marks the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, where the Holy Trinity was revealed-the Father’s voice affirming His Son, the Holy Spirit descending as a dove, and Christ standing humbly in the water. This feast …

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Humility, Covenant, and the Journey to Manhood

Today, the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Circumcision, a moment in Christ’s early life that might seem small at first glance but carries profound meaning. It’s not just a reminder of Christ’s obedience to the Law; it’s …

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Embracing Divine Fatherhood through The Nativity

As we celebrate the Coptic Orthodox Feast of the Nativity, we are drawn into the beauty and mystery of the Incarnation-God becoming man for our salvation. This feast is not just a commemoration of Christ’s birth but a profound revelation …

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"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13

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