
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Preferred method of donation

If your bank uses  Zelle to send money, then you can send Brave Men's Ministries your donation from your bank’s own app or online portal and avoid any fees. Send the money to  Check out the online list of participating banks for Zelle. In your bank's app or website, find Zelle under a "Pay & Transfer" or "Make a Payment" option.

Other ways to donate


Make your donation by Venmo. The Venmo ID is @BRAVEMensMinistries and the name is BRAVE Men's Ministries

Bank Bill Pay

Your bank allows you to create one-time or recurring payments using their website. To use this option, login to your bank website, select BillPay, and indicate that you want to donate to:

BRAVE Men's Ministries
323 Silent Spring Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613

Mail a donation check

Simply mail us a hand-written check to the following address. Please do not mail cash.

BRAVE Men's Ministries
323 Silent Spring Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613

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